Quick recap of the Race for the Cure before I get on a plane for Iceland...
Pruitt, Wigglesworth, and Yi (me) did battle at the Race for the Cure 5k this weekend. All in all, I'd say it was a fairly successful race. First, the weather was absolutely fantastic for a race. Second, this was one of the most enormous race fields I've ever been in, easily one of the biggest crowds for any road race in DC. Third, as a collective, we managed to finish three runners in the top ten. Pruitt cruised in at 5th place, Wigglesworth in 9th, and me rounding out the top 10.
I had a great view of the race from the caboose of the Dojo train. In particular, the race gave me a chance to watch Wigglesworth at work. He went out in what was (for him) a relatively conservative pace of 5:20, and I just tried to hang on. While I'd like to think that my struggle to keep pace with a guy 23 years older than me is because of neglect for short speed work, I don't think that all the 400 repeats in the world would make it easy or perhaps even possible to hang with Henry. In the end, I did my best to stay within 5 seconds of him for as much of the race as possible. My end splits: first mile - 5:26, second - 5:36, and the final 1.1 - 6:13 for a total time of 17:15. Pruitt ran a 16:19, and Wigglesworth pulled away from me over the final stretch to finish in 17:05, easily winning the master division.
Read James Moreland's write-up here, as he describes Henry's time as "national class." Photo is from the report.
Have fun in DC while I ride donkeys, sit in luxurious mud baths, and climb on glaciers. I'll try to post the occasional photo from the road.
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